Operation Thank You! Drop Off Location inside Fairborn Self Storage

What is Operation Thank You?  The purpose of OPY is to support the US Militray troops with cards and letters of encouragement AND care packages filled with basic items, such as personal toiletries, instant foods and stuff that’s hard to come by in a war environment.

Fairborn Self Storage has a huge box for you to drop stuff of and we’ll send it to the troops.  Drop of stuff like beef jurkey, power bars, dried fruits, AA and AAA batteries, DVD movies and Music CD’s, paperback books and magazines.

Also enjoyed by the troops is stuff like card games, puzzle books, pens, paper and envelopes.  Drop off unsigned greeting cards for the troops to send back home to their loved ones.

Other stuff like soap, shampoo, non-aerosol deodorant for both men AND women.

Canned instant soups/stews (with pull tab topss) instant oatmeal packets,crackers, powder drink mixes (for bottled water), gum, candy and popcorn…the list goes on and on…chapstick, sun screen, condoms, you name they need it!

This holiday season please think of our troops and drop something off!

Thanks for your support!


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